Sustainable trading

Sustainable trading with PABEX

PABEX is the paper exchange (in German: Die Papierbörse) and more than just a neutral online marketplace for the paper and cartonboard industry. It is the most sensible way for printers, paper manufacturers and traders to avoid premature production of waste paper and to create added value for their company. With PABEX, founder Daniel Jelić wants to encourage a more conscious approach to the limited resources of our planet and to achieve a change of attitude in the paper and cartonboard packaging industry towards more sustainability.


Recycling versus storage

As an industry solution, PABEX supports the paper and cartonboard packaging industry in selling its remaining stock and special items quickly and easily. Thus, the unprinted products can be sensibly utilized and, for example, be converted to books, labels, business cards, postcards or various types of packaging. The sellers achieve a higher yield versus selling accumulated stored goods by truck load and far below value or even as waste paper. Trade in small quantities also contributes to sustainability. After all, companies often need small paper units in the short term: by purchasing via PABEX any minimum order quantities can be avoided. PABEX is therefore a fantastic tool to lower unnecessary overstock taking up valuable warehouse space.


"Sustainable trading with PABEX lowers your costs

and improves your company results. "

PABEX founder Daniel Jelić


Corporate responsibility - environment and society

The core values of PABEX are our responsibility for society and the environment, as well as sustainable business. We continually develop our working methods and internal processes to reduce negative environmental impacts and conserve natural resources. For example, we use electricity from renewable energy sources in the PABEX business premises and adhere to strict waste separation by paper, packaging, bio- and residual waste. We promote home workplaces for PABEX employees and also act in an environmentally responsible manner, also with regards to raw materials, and avoid plastic packaging as far as possible.


Responsible use of wood products is essential

Responsibly managed forests contribute to the sustainability of our industry. Looking out for these certificates guarantees fact wood and paper products are sourced from sustainably managed forests*: FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) and PEFC (Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes). Further information on environmental protection and sustainable forestry can be found on the websites of The Blue Angel and The Nordic Ecolabel.


Responsible use of wood and paper products is an integral part of ecological trading.

Make your contribution to sustainable trade and register your company at PABEX free of charge.


* These links lead to external websites. We have no influence on the design and content of these pages. We do not adopt the content of these pages as their own.